Sunday, May 15, 2011

Rest of Critiques (Continuation from Mid-Term)

                                                            Critiques (Remaining Videos)

15. NASA: "Money"
    The video starts off with dollar bills falling from the sky. It then begins to show a variety of different things that money can buy. The video/music is reggae mixed with a little bit of hip hop. Even though money is the main object that can get you just about anything you want; as the lyrics say, "Money is the root of all evil". If you allow it, money could eventually consume you if it is not used properly. Which is how many people throughout the world end up in debt, or is forced to foreclose their place of residence.

16. NASA: Hip-Hop (feat. KRS-One, Fatlip, Slim Kid Tre)
    The video is an animated music video, that starts off with a burglar robbing a safe. He runs to an airplane which takes off, allowing him to escape. In my opinion, the bag is a metaphor for hip hop. In society today, hip hop is not how it use to be. Classic hip hop told stories, showed passion, made you appreciate the art of music. Hip Hop artists wanted the audience to feel what they felt, and understand whatever they went or were going through in life. Now, there is no substance behind the music.

17. Community Voice mail Animated PSA
    This video starts off with a homeless man explaining what happened in his life throughout the day. The main thing that was out of the ordinary was he would use a payphone to check his voice mail. He then goes into detail about how Community Voice mail provided him with his own number to put on job applications. Six months later, he had a job and pointed out that instead of sleeping in his car, he drove it to work. This video was a fun way of luring people to go on the community voice mail website.

18. A History of Evil
    This vieo refers to the things that were evil in the world or caused some sort of turmoil. the brutes were creatures that ate humans, and the gods of Olympus also abused their servants. When the plagues came, a lot of people died; however, God saved who he felt deserved to be saved. Eventually, the individuals who were slaves, servants, etc. began to take a stand. Women began rejecting their devoted masters, and started to use their intelligence to get ahead in life. According to the video, evil was transformed into rock music, which was looked at as a way of expression and freedom.

19. The Flower
    A flower blossoms, and ends up being the cure to make people happy, healthy, be in love, get raises at work, etc. Unfortunately, a scientist finds the flower garden and destroys it; causing people to revert back to their unhappy actions. As it rains, another flower comes out of the ground; however, when one of the people saw it and attempted to pick it up he was shot to death by another character. Because of the scientist banning the flower, the town became worse than what it was before. At the end, it shows that this was a video to encourage people to end marijuana prohibition.

20. Sita Sings The Blues
    This video depicts events fromt he Ramayana. In this story, Prince Rama was cast out of his father's court, at the request of his father's favorite queen. The queen was granted one favor for saving the king's life, and her request was to banish her own son so she could attempt to secure his inheritance. His wife Sita joined her husband; however, she was kidnapped by the demon king, Ravana. Rama rescued her, by killing Ravana, and they eventually went back to the palace, where Sita became pregnant. Rama began to act out of place, and asked his brother to abandon Sita in the forest. She gave birth to their sons, and raised them on her own. A few years later Rama finds Sita, and overwhelmed by the reunion, she wanted to be killed to cleanse her from the world.

21. Georgia Ann Muldrow- Run Away
    This video is a music video for soulful singer Georgia Anne Muldrow's "Run Away". In this song, she is saying she feels like she is finally free, and she just wants to get away. In order to feel free, she is saying to fly away. To get away from all your troubles, and enjoy life while you can. This video was very creative, and the animations fir perfectly with the song.

22. Distrakt- SUP featuring SADAT X
    The video starts off with an urban puppet master dangling a puppet over the city. This music video resembled a video game. Distrakt is the hero trying to stop the mad scientist. SADAT X is Distrakt's sidekick, driving their helicopter to catch up to the bad guy. The scientist created to destroy the city. Distrakt caught up to him and destroyed him and his ship.

23. Madlib- Take It Back
    This music video takes place in the "urban" part of a city. A male character is driving around his neighborhood, and as he does, you see the variety of things that is going on. There are people smoking, drinking, shooting, throwing cookouts, gambling, etc. I did not really care for this video because I could not understand anything that was being said, and the video did not make any sense. I would not watch this video again, or recommend it to others.

24. Madrillian- All Caps
    The video is based off of a comic back. It starts off with scientists working on a potion, and something ends up going wrong. The main scientist becomes very big and muscular, resembling the Incredible Hulk. He puts on a disguise, trying to hide the formula; however, some henchmen captured him. He escapes, but the people still chase him. The video ends like the end of a comic book, asking will he escape?

25. Cornelius- Omstart
    This video starts off with a white drop falling into a puddle, and ends up forming a unique shape with four horns attached to it. Throughout the video, there are a lot of unique shapes moving and bouncing around. The main shape I noticed resembled a dog; however, it had mini spheres shooting out of its tail onto the top of its head. It runs into another object shaped the same way; but, the second one collapsed and turned into thousands of tiny spheres. The first shape sucked up the spheres, and when he spit it out, it came out as a cloud and slowly floated away. In my opinion, it was as if the shapes loved each other, but had to separate.

26. Cornelius- Sleep Warm
    This video is a lullaby to make sure a baby has a good night sleep. The lyrics are telling the baby to sleep warm and sleep tight when the lights go off. When a baby falls asleep on you, they feel secure and loved. The sound of a heartbeat is very soft and soothing, which lets babies nod off comfortably. A baby needs to be comfortable and warm when they sleep, and that is how this lullaby makes individuals feel.

27. Mos Def- Casa Dey
    This video is done by well-known Hip Hop artist Mos Def. The video shows him free-styling, and every word that comes out of his mouth, flowed out of his mouth in the form of simple typography. His lyrics are saying he is what he was born to be. There is not anyone in the world, who could stop him. Mos Def is an underrated Hip Hop artist who needs to be recognized a lot more than what he is now.

28. Nike x Foot Locker x Cool Kids Get Fresh Air.
    I really enjoyed this Foot Locker commercial. Amar'e Stoudemire starts off by skateboarding and text DeSean Jackson. While DeSean is getting his tattoo he texts Chris Bosh. All three of them get together and go to a bakery, but instead of pastries, they were baking shoes. All three of them got the shoes they wanted and walked out of the store as happy customers.

29. Daft Punk- Typography
    "Work It Harder Make It Better Do It Faster Makes Us Stronger More Then Ever Hour After Our Work Is Never Over." Those were the words repeated in this typography video. Eith a violet background, the words appeared in five different colors, and different sizes. The colors were: pink, white, orange, blue, and green. The colors were so simple, they really made the words come out more against the violet background.

30. Daft Typograhy 2
    This video starts off with a white outline of a person surrounded by blue and yellow soundwaves, dancing. As the words appear on the screen, the soundwaves change to red and yellow. The same phrase that appeared in "Daft Punk-Typography" appeared in this video. The only difference between the two videos, is the fact that this video had more action and movement with the words. Also, the person continued to dance throughout the rest of the video.

31. Forrest Gump Type Animation
    This video animated the infamous shrimp conversation between Forrest Gump and Bubba, from the award winning film "Forrest Gump" starring Tom Hanks. The word "shrimp" remained in a cursive form the entire time. As Bubba described the variety of ways shrimp could be prepared, the words scrolled across the screen from left to right. If they were not scrolling, they were dropping from the top of the screen. The remaining words appeared on screen then disappeared.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Rio (Part II)

So, I saw Rio a couple of weeks ago and I fell in love with the movie. The characters were well drawn and the colors that were chosen for he birds were great. The actors and actresses that contributed their voices to the characters did a very good job as well. The characters I enjoyed the most were Nico (Jamie Foxx), Pedro (Will.I.Am), Rafael (George Lopez), and of course Blu (Jesse Eisenberg). Hearing Jamie Foxx and Will.I.Am do the voices of the two birds were hilarious, because they managed to incorporate their singing and rapping voices into their roles. George Lopez is just a funny comedian all around, so his character fit him perfectly. Jesse Eisenberg has a very calm voice for an actor; therefore, his voice was perfect for the spoiled and sheltered Macaw.

Overall, it was a wonderful movie, with a wonderful concept. I would definitely recommend this movie to people, and I would definitely see it again.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bulldog Walk Cycle


Rio comes out tomorrow, April 14, 2011. From the creators of Ice Age, Rio is a 3D computer animated film directed by Carlos Saldanha. There are many talented people doing the voice overs for the characters: Jesse Eisenberg (Social Network); Anne Hathaway (The Devil Wears Prada, Bride Wars); Rodrigo Santoro (Charlies Angels: Full Throttle); Bebel Gilberto (Brazilian pop singer); Jamie Foxx (Valentine's Day, Ray); Will.I.Am (Black Eyed Peas); Tracy Morgan (Death At A Funeral, Cop Out); Jake T. Austin (Go, Diego, Go!); Leslie Mann (Knocked Up, 17 Again); Jemaine Clement (Despicable Me); Jane Lynch (Glee, 40 Year Old Virgin, Role Models). Taking place in a jungle near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; the movie is about a baby blue macaw who cannot fly, and watches all the other birds fly and sing. Along with a couple other birds, the macaw will be caged by smugglers and imported to Moose Lake, Minnesota during winter time. The box with the macaw is left on the street, and he ends up being found by a little girl, who names him Blu.

I really want to see this movie. Based on the previews, I think it will be a cute and funny movie.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I saw Hop the other day, and I have two words to describe it. ADORABLE & AWESOME. Seeing James Marsden in a children's movie was amazing because you are accustomed to seeing him in action/suspense/comedies. He's mostly well known for playing Cyclops in the X-Men movies. Also, another excellent factor was having Russell Brand do the voice of E.B. His English accent really added more character and personality to the rabbit. Also, the fact that E.B. could play the drums was an additional bonus. Russell Brand also made a small appearance in the movie as a stage director; and to hear him call himself handsome from E.B. the Rabbit's perspective was hilarious. Hugh Laurie (House, Stuart Little) was a good choice to do the voice of the Easter Bunny.

Overall, this movie was very good and it also had a lot of important lessons. The number one lesson was do what makes you happy. E.B.'s father kept pushing the fact that he was going to be the next Easter Bunny, but E.B. wanted to be in a band and play the drums; and his father did not understand that. Another lesson was to always be supportive of your children no matter how old they are. Fred (James Marsden) did not have a job, and his father (Gary Cole) constantly hassled him about it. That is not a good way to maintain a close relationship with your children. However, I highly recommend this movie to any and everyone.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Foamy The Squirrel

Foamy the Squirrel is a crude, rude, violent, disrespectful squirrel that does rants on various topics. Even though he curses more than the average person, and threatens mankind; unfortunately, some of the things that he says actually makes sense. It's just the way he says the stuff makes it seem worse than what it really is.

Foamy the Squirrel was created about 5 or 6 years ago. The main story behind it is Foamy lives with his owner Germaine, who is a 25 year old goth poet and does not care about society and what it thinks about her or what she does. As long as I have been watching Foamy, the only thing that I do not like about the cartoon is at times he refers to himself as "lord and master". Even though his main mission in life is world domination, that does not mean he has to refer to himself as a god. Pinky and the Brain tried to take over the world everyday; but, they never referred to themselves as such.

Besides that factor, Foamy is a very interesting character. However, I do not recommend children to watch this due to the profanity, slight nudity, sexual moments, etc. But he is a rather intelligent character.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Critiques (Half By Mid-Term)

                                                                   Video Critiques

1.       Raekwon: House of Flying Daggers
·         The video was very creative. I enjoyed the song, and the lyrics flowed very well with the animation. I also liked how the rappers were incorporated in the animation, in a cartoon form. Since the video had a kung fu theme, I liked how the rappers also did a few kung fu moves throughout the video. The graphics and the blood were very well done. The colors were also carefully selected, and really made the animation pop out more.
2.       One: Michael Levy
·         This video was very simple, but enjoyable. First, I enjoyed the jazz music; the sound was very soothing. I also liked how the sound wave in the beginning expanded as the instrumental played more. Also, the sound wave got bigger in certain areas when the bass came in. As the song continued the sound wave turned into this colorful world of business buildings. At the end, only two lines floated away from the buildings to form the number one. This video was very creative, and carefully constructed.
3.       Bid ‘Em In
·         This video reminded me of the old movies that really showed how racism and slavery was back in the day (example: Rosewood). You could tell the drawings were quick sketches; however, the color made the characters come together. This video actually showed how African Americans were treated during that time period. Slave owners would bid on women based off of their looks, and men based on their stature. The women would either be used as house slaves, or as sex slaves. Whoever had the highest bid would take the slave, and the majority of the time, they kept the slaves for themselves. Sometimes, they would sell them for an even higher price.
4.       Read A Book
·         Lil Jon doing the voice of the piano player made this video funny. Also, because they are rapping about reading books. The only thing I did not like, was the women shaking their butts, and men sitting on the stoop drinking. There is no reason that type of behavior should be exploited, if you are trying to tell children to read a book. Even though this is supposed to be a funny video, you cannot encourage children to read a book but have negative influences in the video as well. Overall, Lil Jon was encouraging individuals to read, in his unique way.
5.       Slick Rick: Behind Bars
·          Would Not Play
6.       Hipsters In Space: Supernews
·         The first thing I noticed was how the spaceship was in the shape of a Nike dunk. The Hipsters were following this DJ wherever he went. Each Hipster did something that modern day teenagers and young adults do. Such as; drinking, smoking, listening to music, blogging (facebook, twitter, etc.). DJ Steve Aoki killed the aliens that were going to attack the Hipsters. However, he told them not to follow him, because they have been doing it the entire time. This video was funny, and the animations were neatly done.
7.       He’s Barack Obama
·         JibJab created this hilarious cartoon skit, by making Barack Obama a super hero. I really enjoyed this video, because they incorporated actual facts about Barack Obama, but still managed to do it in a funny way. The movement was very well done, and the colors to the characters really made them stand out. The funniest parts were when Barack Obama was dancing, and when they showed his calling symbol in the sky, and his ears was the first thing that you noticed, because they were so big.
8.       Uncle Globey and Friends
·         This skit reminded me of a violent version of Barney or Sesame Street.  Children in a cartoon world conversing with a talking globe, was a very creative idea. However, when Uncle Globey started talking about bombers and Al Qaeda; the video became a little disturbing. Children should be aware of what goes on in the world; however, in a more subtle way. Other than that, it was very nicely done.
9.       Floor Kids: B-Boy O-Live vs. B-Boy Nugs
·         You can tell that this video was done with quick sketches. The only ones who had color and movement were the two characters that were dancing. Even though the characters were rough sketches, the creative thing about them was their movement. The creator incorporated a lot of break dancing moves, which made this video very enjoyable. It was carefully constructed and turned out very well.
10.   Zero 7 “Destiny”
·         This music video was done by the British musical duo Zero 7. The video was made by what looked like black and white drawings. However, the characters all had movement, and went along with the song. The song was about hoe no matter how far away you may be apart; if a couple truly loves each other, it is destiny for them to be together. This song was actually featured on the Lacoste clothing line website. It was also used as the background music for the SkyTV’s broadcast of the Star Wars Saga, in the romance version of the full length commercial.
11.   The Veiled Commodity
·         This video was about the human commodity and how humans were shipped around and sold as slaves. The graphics were very well done and the pictures also explained what the narrator was talking about. They mentioned well known people who were mistreated; but escaped, and ended up bringing some form of change in the world. Unfortunate actions like this use to be known about; however, people try their hardest to try and hide it.
12.   Self-Fulfilling: Beady Belle
·         This R&B song featuring India.Arie was about how if you think about something or talk about something it will happen. For example, the song said if you talk about angels, their wings will open and they will come to you. However, the last verse of the chorus says if you play music then you will be okay. I liked how the clay figures danced to whatever kind of music they enjoyed. For example, the guy that was break dancing had a hip hop poster on his wall and a boom box on the floor. I think this video was saying, no matter what your mood is, if you listen to the music that makes you happy, everything will be okay.
13.   RSA Animate: First as Tragedy, Then as Farce
·         This video talked about capitalism and how it affects our community. According to the narrator, in today’s capitalism the tendency is to bring the two dimensions together in the same cluster. They gave an example of Starbucks Coffee, and how you are not just buying a cup of coffee, but also buying into coffee ethics. You’re buying into the consumers act. For example, you give your money for starving children, or homeless children in Guatemala. You are fulfilling a bunch of ethical duties, along with purchasing a beverage. It makes you feel good, because you are doing something for the environment. This video was very educational, and broke down the facts piece by piece.
14.   Prada: Trembled Blossoms
                  The video starts off with a flower that looks like it is crying. When the drop falls and hits the     ground, a girl comes from underneath of it, as if it were a sheet, and then it shatters. As she continues to walk through the forest, she slowly but surely starts to gain more clothing. She eventually runs into a Minotaur, and by that time she is fully clothed; shoes, dress, purse, and she looked happier. The Minotaur turns into stone, and when he cracks a beautiful flower begins to blossom. She then goes back under the sheet, where she came from in the beginning. This video was very interesting, which is the reason why it kept my attention. I did not understand why a Minotaur was in the forest, because it is a beast from Greek mythology. However, it turning into a blossomed flower was creative.

Event 3: Gnomeo & Juliet

This 2011 animation was based on one of the most well known love stories written by one of the most well known writers of all time, "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare. The main characters were voiced by James McAvoy (Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe) and Emily Blunt (The Devil Wears Prada). As much as I did not want to see this movie originally, I'm glad I changed my mind and decided to see it. For it to be a cartoon, it had a very good lesson behind it. The main lesson was everyone is not going to agree with who you fall in love with; however, as long as you are happy, that is all that matters.

    Just like William Shakespeare, the Monagues and and Capulets were battling against each other. Mrs. Montague and Mr. Capulet were two elderly people and next door neighbors who despised each other. Whenever they left their houses, the garden gnomes would come alive, and addressed each other as blues and reds. Gnomeo is a fun loving, adventure having gnome; and Juliet is the daughter of the leader of the reds; Lord Redbrick. One day Juliet escapes out of her yard, because there is an orchid on top of a roof that she thinks would make her garden look more beautiful. However, little did she know that Gnomeo was trying to get the orchid as well. They both get to the roof at the same time; but, Juliet stumbles and Gnomeo helps her. She did not have on her bonnet, so at the time Gnomeo did not know that she was a red. Once they found out about each other, they quickly went back to their own yards. But, they eventually started sneaking out to see each other; and eventually they started falling in love with one another. One day, one of the gnomes from the red side, named Tybalt, got into a fight with Gnomeo. Unfortunately, Tybalt died; and the reds tried to get back at Gnomeo. He falls into the street, and when a car passed everyone thought Gnomeo died. Juliet upset and heartbroken, was glued to her mantle by her father, so she would not escape from the garden anymore. Gnomeo actually ran away to a fountain, where a statue of William Shakespeare sat. The statue informed Gnomeo that his story was similar to Romeo and Juliet's, and he would end up having a sad ending. Fortunately, Shakespeare was wrong in this case. Gnomeo went back for Juliet, and when an unfortunate lawn mower accident occured  in their garden, he ran to save her life. Juliet was willing to sacrifice herself to save him, but he told her; he was not going to live without her. He saves her, and after that moment the reds and the blues at least tried to get along.

Event 2: Faculty Art Show

                                                                   Faculty Art Show
The faculty art show was very nice and creative. There was a variety of art pieces that were displayed, and a variety of styles and mediums that were used. You never know how creative an individual is, until you actually see some of their work. From paintings, to sculptures, to collages, to clothing pieces; the faculty made this art show very enjoyable to look at. This art show showed you can do something with a lot of color; or do something very simple, and it will still come out as a beautiful work of art.

      There were quite a few art pieces that caught my eye when I first walked into the gallery. However, the one that caught my eye the most was Professor Clark Mester's "Ray Smith Memorial" carving. The main reason why I like this piece so much, is because it was just so neatly done. Also, it had so much detail to it; so you can tell that he took a lot of time and effort to get it done.After looking at it, I wanted to learn how to carve more; so one day I would be able to make a beautiful piece like that.

      I also really liked Professor Gina Lewis' paintings. I enjoy abstract paintings, because it is very simple to do; however, it still manages to come out beautiful. The red, black, and white painting simply consisted of a variety of lines and splatters; however, still came out really nice. The other two, which were both blue, black, white, and gray, seemed to have a little more shapes within the pictures. The tallest one, kind of reminded me of broken glass pieces. It was very creative, and well constructed.

Event 1: An Evening With Sheryl Lee Ralph

An Evening With Sheryl Lee Ralph
                On March 1, 2011 at 7:30 p.m.; I got the privilege to sit in the audience and listen to the beautiful and talented actress Sheryl Lee Ralph talk. Everything she said was very powerful and I am glad that I had the privilege to hear her speak. She started off talking about how our ancestors went through so much, from being beat, and lynched, and raped. Then continued by reminding us that African Americans would have their tongues cut out, or their hands cut off for trying to read or for even picking up a book. The generation today drop out of school, begin experimenting with sex, drugs, alcohol; get pregnant, contract an STD, etc. It is as if we are spitting in the faces of our ancestors, because they were killed for trying to do what we have a privilege of doing; which is going to school and getting an education. We as African Americans must prove the people who have no faith in us wrong. A lot of people look at African Americans as a statistic; meaning, African Americans cause the most crime, are the ones who are in prison, are the ones who have children and cannot support them; we must make a better name for ourselves.
                Sheryl Lee Ralph was born in Connecticut to an African American father and a Jamaican mother. In 1973, she was crowned Miss Black Teen-age New York. She was only 16 when she graduated from high school, and 19 when she graduated from Rutgers University; making her the youngest female to ever graduate from Rutgers. She originally hoped to study medicine, but after dealing with some rude and disrespectful students in class and winning a scholarship in a competition at the American College Theater Festival, she quit studying medicine for the performing arts. In 1982, she began her career and was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Actress in a Musical for her role as Deena Jones in Dreamgirls. In 1988, she starred in the Disney film Oliver & Company providing the speaking voice of Rita. Her first leading role was as Denzel Washington's wife in The Mighty Quinn. Ralph produced Divas Simply Singing, which has become an important AIDS fundraiser. In June 2000, Ralph sued The National Enquirer for one million dollars over a piece they had written about her and her husband. She was voted one of TV's Favorite Moms for her portrayal of step mom Dee on the number-one rated television series Moesha. In 2004, she was inducted as an honorary member of the sorority Delta Sigma Theta, at the 47th National Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. In May 2008, Ralph was awarded an honorary doctorate of humane letters from Tougaloo College after giving the commencement address. On June 16, 2009 it was announced that Ralph would join the cast of the Broadway-bound musical The First Wives Club as Elyse. She replaced Adriane Lenox, who withdrew from the show due to health concerns. She is married to Pennsylvania State Senator Vincent Hughes, and has two children Etienne, who was featured on BET's Baldwin Hills; and Ivy-Victoria, who is named after Sheryl's mother.

Facial Expressions... Bulldog Mascot

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gnomeo and Juliet....

So, I saw Gnomeo & Juliet. At first I was not going to see it, but hey things change. The movie was actually good. It was very cute, and it depicted the story of Romeo and Juliet to a tee. The only difference is they did not die at the end.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

favorite disney movies...

When I was little I was a Disney movie FANATIC. I had just about every Disney movie on VHS. And as a 22 year old, I still watch them til this day. Here are a couple of pictures, of some of my favorites.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Animation Movies 2011

We have been informed that we can go to the theater and see animation movies as part of a class event. Well, here are the animation movies that will be coming out before school lets out for the summer.

February 11: Gnomeo & Juliet

February 25: The Lion of Judah

March 4: Rango

March 11: Mars Needs Moms!

April 15: Rio

April 29: Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bulldog Sketch

Artist Quotes (cont.)

A sincere artist is not one who makes a faithful attempt to put on to canvas what is in front of him, but one who tries to create something which is, in itself, a living thing.
-William Dobell (Australian artist)

The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.
-Michelangelo (Italian Renaissance artist)

Man can't do without God. Just like you're thirsty, you have to drink water. You just can't go without God.
-Bob Marley (Jamaican singer-songwriter and musician) 

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

African-American Animators...