Thursday, March 17, 2011

Event 2: Faculty Art Show

                                                                   Faculty Art Show
The faculty art show was very nice and creative. There was a variety of art pieces that were displayed, and a variety of styles and mediums that were used. You never know how creative an individual is, until you actually see some of their work. From paintings, to sculptures, to collages, to clothing pieces; the faculty made this art show very enjoyable to look at. This art show showed you can do something with a lot of color; or do something very simple, and it will still come out as a beautiful work of art.

      There were quite a few art pieces that caught my eye when I first walked into the gallery. However, the one that caught my eye the most was Professor Clark Mester's "Ray Smith Memorial" carving. The main reason why I like this piece so much, is because it was just so neatly done. Also, it had so much detail to it; so you can tell that he took a lot of time and effort to get it done.After looking at it, I wanted to learn how to carve more; so one day I would be able to make a beautiful piece like that.

      I also really liked Professor Gina Lewis' paintings. I enjoy abstract paintings, because it is very simple to do; however, it still manages to come out beautiful. The red, black, and white painting simply consisted of a variety of lines and splatters; however, still came out really nice. The other two, which were both blue, black, white, and gray, seemed to have a little more shapes within the pictures. The tallest one, kind of reminded me of broken glass pieces. It was very creative, and well constructed.

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