Thursday, March 17, 2011

Critiques (Half By Mid-Term)

                                                                   Video Critiques

1.       Raekwon: House of Flying Daggers
·         The video was very creative. I enjoyed the song, and the lyrics flowed very well with the animation. I also liked how the rappers were incorporated in the animation, in a cartoon form. Since the video had a kung fu theme, I liked how the rappers also did a few kung fu moves throughout the video. The graphics and the blood were very well done. The colors were also carefully selected, and really made the animation pop out more.
2.       One: Michael Levy
·         This video was very simple, but enjoyable. First, I enjoyed the jazz music; the sound was very soothing. I also liked how the sound wave in the beginning expanded as the instrumental played more. Also, the sound wave got bigger in certain areas when the bass came in. As the song continued the sound wave turned into this colorful world of business buildings. At the end, only two lines floated away from the buildings to form the number one. This video was very creative, and carefully constructed.
3.       Bid ‘Em In
·         This video reminded me of the old movies that really showed how racism and slavery was back in the day (example: Rosewood). You could tell the drawings were quick sketches; however, the color made the characters come together. This video actually showed how African Americans were treated during that time period. Slave owners would bid on women based off of their looks, and men based on their stature. The women would either be used as house slaves, or as sex slaves. Whoever had the highest bid would take the slave, and the majority of the time, they kept the slaves for themselves. Sometimes, they would sell them for an even higher price.
4.       Read A Book
·         Lil Jon doing the voice of the piano player made this video funny. Also, because they are rapping about reading books. The only thing I did not like, was the women shaking their butts, and men sitting on the stoop drinking. There is no reason that type of behavior should be exploited, if you are trying to tell children to read a book. Even though this is supposed to be a funny video, you cannot encourage children to read a book but have negative influences in the video as well. Overall, Lil Jon was encouraging individuals to read, in his unique way.
5.       Slick Rick: Behind Bars
·          Would Not Play
6.       Hipsters In Space: Supernews
·         The first thing I noticed was how the spaceship was in the shape of a Nike dunk. The Hipsters were following this DJ wherever he went. Each Hipster did something that modern day teenagers and young adults do. Such as; drinking, smoking, listening to music, blogging (facebook, twitter, etc.). DJ Steve Aoki killed the aliens that were going to attack the Hipsters. However, he told them not to follow him, because they have been doing it the entire time. This video was funny, and the animations were neatly done.
7.       He’s Barack Obama
·         JibJab created this hilarious cartoon skit, by making Barack Obama a super hero. I really enjoyed this video, because they incorporated actual facts about Barack Obama, but still managed to do it in a funny way. The movement was very well done, and the colors to the characters really made them stand out. The funniest parts were when Barack Obama was dancing, and when they showed his calling symbol in the sky, and his ears was the first thing that you noticed, because they were so big.
8.       Uncle Globey and Friends
·         This skit reminded me of a violent version of Barney or Sesame Street.  Children in a cartoon world conversing with a talking globe, was a very creative idea. However, when Uncle Globey started talking about bombers and Al Qaeda; the video became a little disturbing. Children should be aware of what goes on in the world; however, in a more subtle way. Other than that, it was very nicely done.
9.       Floor Kids: B-Boy O-Live vs. B-Boy Nugs
·         You can tell that this video was done with quick sketches. The only ones who had color and movement were the two characters that were dancing. Even though the characters were rough sketches, the creative thing about them was their movement. The creator incorporated a lot of break dancing moves, which made this video very enjoyable. It was carefully constructed and turned out very well.
10.   Zero 7 “Destiny”
·         This music video was done by the British musical duo Zero 7. The video was made by what looked like black and white drawings. However, the characters all had movement, and went along with the song. The song was about hoe no matter how far away you may be apart; if a couple truly loves each other, it is destiny for them to be together. This song was actually featured on the Lacoste clothing line website. It was also used as the background music for the SkyTV’s broadcast of the Star Wars Saga, in the romance version of the full length commercial.
11.   The Veiled Commodity
·         This video was about the human commodity and how humans were shipped around and sold as slaves. The graphics were very well done and the pictures also explained what the narrator was talking about. They mentioned well known people who were mistreated; but escaped, and ended up bringing some form of change in the world. Unfortunate actions like this use to be known about; however, people try their hardest to try and hide it.
12.   Self-Fulfilling: Beady Belle
·         This R&B song featuring India.Arie was about how if you think about something or talk about something it will happen. For example, the song said if you talk about angels, their wings will open and they will come to you. However, the last verse of the chorus says if you play music then you will be okay. I liked how the clay figures danced to whatever kind of music they enjoyed. For example, the guy that was break dancing had a hip hop poster on his wall and a boom box on the floor. I think this video was saying, no matter what your mood is, if you listen to the music that makes you happy, everything will be okay.
13.   RSA Animate: First as Tragedy, Then as Farce
·         This video talked about capitalism and how it affects our community. According to the narrator, in today’s capitalism the tendency is to bring the two dimensions together in the same cluster. They gave an example of Starbucks Coffee, and how you are not just buying a cup of coffee, but also buying into coffee ethics. You’re buying into the consumers act. For example, you give your money for starving children, or homeless children in Guatemala. You are fulfilling a bunch of ethical duties, along with purchasing a beverage. It makes you feel good, because you are doing something for the environment. This video was very educational, and broke down the facts piece by piece.
14.   Prada: Trembled Blossoms
                  The video starts off with a flower that looks like it is crying. When the drop falls and hits the     ground, a girl comes from underneath of it, as if it were a sheet, and then it shatters. As she continues to walk through the forest, she slowly but surely starts to gain more clothing. She eventually runs into a Minotaur, and by that time she is fully clothed; shoes, dress, purse, and she looked happier. The Minotaur turns into stone, and when he cracks a beautiful flower begins to blossom. She then goes back under the sheet, where she came from in the beginning. This video was very interesting, which is the reason why it kept my attention. I did not understand why a Minotaur was in the forest, because it is a beast from Greek mythology. However, it turning into a blossomed flower was creative.

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