Thursday, April 7, 2011


I saw Hop the other day, and I have two words to describe it. ADORABLE & AWESOME. Seeing James Marsden in a children's movie was amazing because you are accustomed to seeing him in action/suspense/comedies. He's mostly well known for playing Cyclops in the X-Men movies. Also, another excellent factor was having Russell Brand do the voice of E.B. His English accent really added more character and personality to the rabbit. Also, the fact that E.B. could play the drums was an additional bonus. Russell Brand also made a small appearance in the movie as a stage director; and to hear him call himself handsome from E.B. the Rabbit's perspective was hilarious. Hugh Laurie (House, Stuart Little) was a good choice to do the voice of the Easter Bunny.

Overall, this movie was very good and it also had a lot of important lessons. The number one lesson was do what makes you happy. E.B.'s father kept pushing the fact that he was going to be the next Easter Bunny, but E.B. wanted to be in a band and play the drums; and his father did not understand that. Another lesson was to always be supportive of your children no matter how old they are. Fred (James Marsden) did not have a job, and his father (Gary Cole) constantly hassled him about it. That is not a good way to maintain a close relationship with your children. However, I highly recommend this movie to any and everyone.

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